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Making the fridge Annoying? Fairplay?

What is it and when do you make the fridge? Making the fridge is a tactic used in a paddle tennis game that consists of loading the game on only...

What is it and when do you make the fridge?

Making the fridge is a tactic used in a paddle tennis game that consists of loading the game on only one rival. When we talk about "making the fridge" we are referring to the player who is not going to receive as much game load, since our objective is going to be to cool him down so that when it is his turn to enter the game he is cold and does not feel comfortable.

Normally there are several reasons why this tactic of "making the fridge" is used; First, when it is perceived that on the opposite side of the twenty by ten there is an opponent with a slightly lower level. In this case what is going to The best thing to achieve is that the player with the highest level cools down, tries to hit more balls than they are given and ends up rushing in. Using this tactic, it is possible to score much more points, because the opponent will not be able to return all the balls or the that it gets, will leave them in an easier position to finish the point.

Secondly, this tactic "make the fridge" can be used when we detect in the rival couple that there is a rival who is mentally inferior. This rival can be detected when a ball misses, it is difficult for him to forget this point and he enters a miss loop. When this occasion arises it is time to continue loading the game on that player and try to get him out of the game completely.

Thirdly, it can be detected that one of the rivals is suffering a physical drop, when it is detected it is also time to switch to this tactic. They usually say that "when the head doesn't go, the arm and the legs less", this player will begin to make mistakes. By receiving a greater game load, it implies a greater physical effort. If we find ourselves serving, it is very important to try to make the breaks between points as short as possible so as not to let the opponent catch air.

The most important thing when carrying out a strategy of this size and impact is to have good communication with your partner and/or coach. The couple must define a single path to follow and both follow it in the same way. If not, the strategy would be useless and the opposing couple could reverse the situation.

Watch it here in a practical way: ( ).

Is it legit?

Obviously if it is legal, there is no article within the FEP (Spanish Padel Federation) that prohibits loading the game on a single player. When we are competing we all seek to win, in all legal ways, but in the end what is always sought is to compete and with the aim of winning.

Is it illegal?

One of the big questions in the world of paddle tennis; according to the eyes of who sees. There are players who are very fans of Fairplay, they want to continue maintaining that "chivalry" and sincerity that they consider paddle tennis to have. There are other players who only seek to win and consider it one more strategy within the game.

There are recommendations where from Side Spin we consider that there are situations where it is better not to use this tactic:

  • First of all, in matches between friends; It can become frustrating and boring for a person who has gone to enjoy a game with friends.
  • Secondly, mention those open games that you sign up for without knowing anyone, that you are signed up to improve and enjoy this sport. In those situations you are enjoying the sport, you do not need to carry out such an aggressive strategy in order to win that game that will not get you anywhere. The worst you can get is that none of the club wants to play with you and you have to find another one.
  • Finally, in situations where you play with a large score in your favor and with a less aggressive strategy, you are managing to take the game on your side. They are situations where you don't have to believe you are a WPT (World Padel Tour) player and know that if you are winning in an easy way with a basic strategy, you don't have to do damage with the fridge and the opponent will come out even more sunk.

Can you get it out of the fridge?

There are several variants to get out of this strategy when they are imposing it on you in a match. It is not an easy situation since apart from a field strategy, the strategy affects your mentality and if you are not mentally strong you can easily leave the game and be defeated. It is well known in the padel world that receiving such a strategy is not in good taste. Through the following tips we will be able to reduce the effectiveness of the opposite strategy.
  1. Detect it: Once this strategy has been detected, it is the most important moment and where communication throughout the team must flow. The first change of sides after detecting it needs to be squeezed all the time. The team (you, your partner and the coach) must draw up a plan to go out, but all based on that strategy that they are applying to us. From the team, this type of strategy against should be understood as something normal, as something routine in a competitive match.
  2. Tranquility: Not for making the fridge they are given the game for won. You have to be calm and think that our strategy is going to surpass yours. Teamwork is very important, both for the one who receives the most play and the one who doesn't touch the ball as much. If you are the one who is receiving the most play, know what percentage is missed the most since you touch much more ball. If you are the one they are leaving cold, support your partner and be calm and support with the ball that you have to hit. It is useless to rush to make the point, the opportunity will come.
  3. Stay active and always positive: The game may not be in your favour, but you always have to trust the plan drawn up and it may not work out in the first, second or third game. You have to be active in the game, get out of the fridge and play in a positive way and that through our strategy the situation will be reversed.
  4. Carry out a complete analysis: It is very important to see where the rival is faltering, at that point is where our game will be based so that the ball does not come so complicated and we can get out of the fridge. If our rival plays very well from above, then my intention will be for me to volley below the height of the net. It may be that he is taking a little more risk, but I am also going to attack his weakest point.
  5. Stay as a block: If the couple is in a block, being firm both behind and in front, the track will be very small for the opponents, they will continue with the refrigerator, but they will not see as many holes.
  6. Play in parallel: Many of the teachers/coaches tell you that when you are not comfortable you have to play crossover and through the center. In case of receiving a fridge, the strategy changes and you will begin to play more in parallel. The percentage of the opponent playing crossed is much higher. It is important to come out with a lot of parallel play to have your partner activated in the game.
  7. Constant changing sides: At the moment it is very fashionable since in the last year it has been implemented by the No. 1 couple of the WPT. Alejandro Galán and Juan Lebron in their serve tend to constantly change their positions so that the rival does not have located where one player is and where the other is. This tactic can be very good to avoid receiving an extreme cold. In this way, the opposing player who is loading the game on one side will find that the other player is sometimes on that side.
  8. Generate actions to confuse: The unwritten rule in paddle tennis says that "if one stays behind, the ball goes towards him". It is a situation that can be taken advantage of to avoid and get out of having your fridge made. If you are the player who is not touching the ball, stay behind on any of the climbs! You have a great chance that the ball will fall on you. Example: ( ).


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