Returns & Exchanges

With SideSpin you have 15 days to change your mind. If you are not satisfied with any of the products in your order, simply return it.

Product return clause

You can request a refund within 15 days. SIDE SPIN will accept the return of the purchased material in the following cases:

The material sent to the customer has arrived damaged, broken or in poor condition.

SIDE SPIN will be responsible for the shipping costs. The client is obliged to review the material within a period of 24 hours once said material is received in order to verify that it is in good condition. In the event that said 24 hours have been exceeded, SIDE SPIN will be exempted from any responsibility in the material received by the client.

The material sent to the client is not the one requested.

SIDE SPIN will be responsible for the shipping costs. The client is obliged to review the material within 48 hours of receiving said material in order to verify that it is correct and inform SIDE SPIN within said period in the event that an error has occurred. SIDE SPIN will replace the product to the customer with the correct product, without additional charges. The customer must return the erroneous material in the same condition in which it was delivered, without unsealing or using it, with its original packaging intact and, therefore, in perfect condition for sale.

The customer has received his order correctly and wishes to return it due to non-satisfaction.

In this case, the return costs are borne by the customer. And the client must notify Side Spin in advance, using one of the means of contact made available to them.

change policy

Changes are not allowed in Side Spin. In these cases, we recommend that the customer make a return and proceed with a new order.

For any information or doubt, you can contact the after-sales service: here